Learn everything about your employer in 5 minutes

Learn everything about your employer in 5 minutes

Check finances, employer rating, management team, projects, and media coverage for informed decisions.

Check finances, employer rating, management team, projects, and media coverage for informed decisions.

Stay safe!

To avoid scams, collect all the information you need to make sure your employer is reliable.

Köln Bauwerk is a company registered in Germany

Köln Bauwerk made a profit of 200k EUR in 2022

The company has 77 registered employees

Ervin Müller has been the CEO of the company for the past 30 years

Köln Bauwerk has 867 mentions in media during the past 60 days

People and management

Determine how many workers the company has, find out who the managers are and if they can be trusted.

Financial history

Check if the company always pays taxes and pays salaries on time.


Learn if the company is generally trustworthy. Is it well-respected? What are others saying about it?


Simple, transparent pricing

We believe in Werk that everyone should be able to find an employee they can trust.


Basic report

Price per report

Verification of 1 company in Europe

Contact details of the company

History of the company

Real financial situation of the company

Number of employees

Trustworthiness rating

Overview of the management

What projects they have done

Overall employer rating


Full report

Price per report

Verification of 1 company in Europe

Contact details of the company

History of the company

Real financial situation of the company

Number of employees

Trustworthiness rating

Overview of the management

What projects they have done

Overall employer rating

This report helped me feel more confident about getting hired by a new company in a new country.

— Sergey Mishkov

Experienced tiler

Registration nr. 16041366
© 2023 Werk IT OÜ | All rights protected

Werk is building a tool for construction companies to digitally predict the competency of the workforce on their sites. Using AI and machine learning, our product has predicted the skills of thousands of tradespeople with 90% accuracy. Our technology aims to drastically reduce costly rework and project delays caused by unqualified labour on sites.

About team and Werk


(+44) 7488 883513

Rataskaevu 22, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia

Registration nr. 16041366
© 2023 Werk IT OÜ | All rights protected

Werk is building a tool for construction companies to digitally predict the competency of the workforce on their sites. Using AI and machine learning, our product has predicted the skills of thousands of tradespeople with 90% accuracy. Our technology aims to drastically reduce costly rework and project delays caused by unqualified labour on sites.

About team and Werk


(+44) 7488 883513

Rataskaevu 22, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia

Learn everything about your employer in 5 minutes

Check finances, employer rating, management team, projects, and media coverage for informed decisions.

Stay safe!

To avoid scams, collect all the information you need to make sure your employer is reliable.

People and management

Determine how many workers the company has, find out who the managers are and if they can be trusted.

Financial history

Check if the company always pays taxes and pays salaries on time.


Learn if the company is generally trustworthy. Is it well-respected? What are others saying about it?


Simple, transparent pricing

We believe in Werk that everyone should be able to find an employee they can trust.

Basic report

Price per report

Verification of 1 company in Europe

Contact details of the company

History of the company

Real financial situation of the company

Number of employees

Trustworthiness rating

Overview of the management

What projects they have done

Overall employer rating


Full report

Price per report

Verification of 1 company in Europe

Contact details of the company

History of the company

Real financial situation of the company

Number of employees

Trustworthiness rating

Overview of the management

What projects they have done

Overall employer rating

This report helped me feel more confident about getting hired by a new company in a new country.

— Sergey Mishkov

Experienced tiler

Registration nr. 16041366
© 2023 Werk IT OÜ | All rights protected

Werk is building a tool for construction companies to digitally predict the competency of the workforce on their sites. Using AI and machine learning, our product has predicted the skills of thousands of tradespeople with 90% accuracy. Our technology aims to drastically reduce costly rework and project delays caused by unqualified labour on sites.

About team and Werk


(+44) 7488 883513

Rataskaevu 22, 10123 Tallinn, Estonia